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Book of Remembrance

This year, Yom Kippur is October 12th
Please submit the entry form below by September 20th to be printed in the program

A note: If you would like to see your entries from last year, or reference your family's yahrzeits in your account, be sure to log in in order to view this information!

Each year, B'nai Israel prints a Book of Remembrance for Yom Kippur. We invite you to complete this form with your loved ones' names listed as you would like them to be printed in our book. White it is customary to make a suggested donation of $18 per name listed, it is not necessary, and we encourage you to participate in this tradition. The Book of Remembrance will be included in the High Holiday program.
Many people also choose to dedicate a Memorial Plaque and/or Pew Plaque as a fitting tribute to a departed loved one. Those Memorial Plaques, already mounted, will be lit for Yom Kippur Yizkor, as they are for all festivals when Yizkor is recited. The individual Memorial Plaques are also lit on the Friday evening prior to the Yahrzeit. If you would like additional information, please contact Jenifer at x103.

Thank you and best wishes for a healthy and happy new year.
While it is customary to make a suggested donation of $18 per name listed, it is not necessary, and we encourage you to participate in this tradition
Fri, September 20 2024 17 Elul 5784