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Mishloach Manot 2025

Pricing for Mishloach Manot:
To Send to All Congregation Members: $180
To send to individual members: $2 per name
To Send to All Congregation B'nai Israel Staff: $54
To reciprocate only to those that send to you: $25

I would like to send Mishloach Manot to the following Congregation B'nai Israel Groups:

Please list which individual members you would like to send Mishloach Manot to
(Please make sure the number selected matches the number of names listed, to ensure all individuals receive their Mischloach Manot)
   Number of Individuals

Please Specify the amount you would like to donate to Tzedakah

The total cost for all of your selections (groups and individual families) is calculated here:

Mon, February 10 2025 12 Shevat 5785