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Lulav and Etrog Order Form 2024

Etrog and Lulav Order Form

Celebrate Sukkot with a beautiful Lulav and Etrog!


The Ritual Committee makes Etrogim and Lulavim available for the Gainesville Jewish community. Please complete this order form to secure your Etrog and Lulav for Sukkot 2024.

This year, Sukkot begins October 16

Please submit the order form below by September 20th

   Regular - $50
   Prime - $55
   Deluxe - $60
By submitting this order form, I understand that it is my responsibility to pick up my lulav and etrog from B'nai Israel once I am notified of their arrival.
Thank you for your order! Payment will be processed on the following page.
Fri, September 20 2024 17 Elul 5784